"Create a melancholic anime-inspired logo featuring the name 'Ichigo,' with a sad and reflective theme set during a winter arc. Incorporate frosty and icy textures, with subtle snowflakes and cold wind swirls. Use somber tones like muted blues, grays, and whites, blending a touch of warmth in the text to symbolize inner struggle. Include faint imagery of a katana or broken mask in the background, emphasizing a sense of loss or solitude. The overall design should evoke a sense of quiet sadness and reflection, resonating with a wintery, emotional narrative."


"Create a melancholic anime-inspired logo featuring the name 'Ichigo,' with a sad and reflective theme set during a winter arc. Incorporate frosty and icy textures, with subtle snowflakes and cold wind swirls. Use somber tones like muted blues, grays, and whites, blending a touch of warmth in the text to symbolize inner struggle. Include faint imagery of a katana or broken mask in the background, emphasizing a sense of loss or solitude. The overall design should evoke a sense of quiet sadness and reflection, resonating with a wintery, emotional narrative."


Nov 29, 2024 01:38 AM







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We use AI to generate images from text. Simply describe what you want to see and click generate. mangaraw ai is based on Stable Diffusion –– open source AI model trained by stability.ai. You can learn how to use the features available in getimg by reading our Prompts.

Mangaraw ai in the high-dimensional image space, First compresses the image into the latent space. The model then gradually destroys the image by adding noise, and is trained to reverse this process and regenerate the image from scratch.

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To create effective prompts for Mangaraw ai, it’s important to provide a clear and concise description of the image you want to generate. You should also use descriptive language that is specific to the type of image you want to generate. For example, if you want to generate an image of a sunset, you might use words like "orange", "red", and "purple" to describe the colors in the image.

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