My Hero Academia Characters
My Hero Academia is a manga series serialized by Shonen Jump and written by Kohei Horikoshi.
This is similar design. concept is dark haired warrior angel holding a large cross with a german shepherd protecting at her feet, religious heroine I envisage her standing firm, left hand holding a cross on an angle while the right hand extended out to the side , large white wings extended with flames behind her while the dog by her legs towards centre the dogs eyes and hers match piercing emerald green her hair flowing slightly - does this help? trying to combine the 2 images into what I imagine Can you make the wings bigger, not wider just longer with hints of red, the shading of dog to be black and grey with army style dog tags around neck, her clothing black pants and combat boots, standing straight with legs apart, holding the cross on an and angel from the ground up approx to her height. The girls face is too soft need more seriousness, no cleavage required. Both dog and her to have same coloured eyes, like you have already done with the dog.
Nov 09, 2024 05:55 PM
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My Hero Academia is a manga series serialized by Shonen Jump and written by Kohei Horikoshi.